Iryna and Ella: «The dream is to return home as soon as possible, because there is all the life left, soul and the happiest years»

The history of re-settlers from Avdiivka


Now Iryna lives in Pokrovsk with her daughter and son. This city has already become a second home for them. But their most cherished desire and dream is to return home as soon as possible. To their dear home Avdiivka. The woman worked at the Avdiivka’s city waterworks. On the night of February 24, she was at work. When she heard loud explosions, she realized that something terrible had happened. From the Internet she learned that Russia attacked our country. Iryna says that her house was one of the first to be affected.

The explosion completely destroyed the balcony, the frame flew out together with the window, and the kitchen burned to the ground. At first, the woman, along with her children, husband and 86-year-old mother, hid from the shelling in the basements, and when a shell hit the roof of a neighbouring house, they left everything, took their pets, two bags of things with them and drove away. Iryna’s husband stayed at home. He still works and takes care of his old mother. Iryna says that she thinks of her native Avdiivka every day. Because, thanks to the city management and the Avdiiv coke plant, it has been nice lately: houses, schools were repaired, wonderful parks and squares were created. The plant was a city-forming enterprise and a place of work for many townspeople.


 Ella, daughter of Iryna

The young woman cannot hide her tears. She says that it was very difficult to leave her native home and the places where she spent her whole life and with which so much good is associated. The war in Avdiivka was close for all of these 8 years. Since 2014, there have been shelling and destruction here. Her family had already experienced these horrors once. Now, as in a bad dream, everything is repeating itself. Together with her mother, Iryna, Ella came to Pokrovsk. Earlier, at home, she worked as a saleswoman in a store. Currently, he does not have a job. But he really wants to go home. Every day she waits for the message that she can finally return home. To peaceful Avdiivka.


In Pokrovsk, as resettlers, they receive various assistance, including from the “Metinvest” company. These food kits help the family to survive in wartime.

