Oleksandr Ivanchuk: «I live by hope for peace, Ukraine’s victory and restoration of my city»

Oleksandr Ivanchuk was born and grew up in Mariupol Here, he found a family and a job he liked, made plans for the future and dreamt. His usual way of life was interrupted by the war. His house was destroyed by enemy shelling, his car was smashed. He lost all his property.


For a long time, Oleksandr was hiding from shelling in shelters without communications, means of subsistence and comfortable conditions. At the end of March, he managed to get out of the city to a safe area.


Previously, Oleksandr visited Zaporizhstal in Zaporizhzhia when he was on business trips that is why he could immediately start work at the enterprise. The plant provided him with accommodation. All necessary things, like food, clothes, hygiene means were provided by the volunteers of the Saving Lives project. Such a support is very valuable for Oleksandr.
