Tamara Kovalenko: «I miss my quiet and peaceful life, and I don’t know what awaits for me in the future»

Tamara Kovalenko and her husband lost their whole life in Maryinka, Donetsk region. Ever since 2014, the woman continued to live in war without leaving her home. But in February 2022, everything changed. The shelling became even more cruel and ruthless, it was impossible to stay in home. Tamara and her husband had to get out of the rubble of their own house under enemy fire on their own. After that – another month and a half of living in the basement of a local school, then shelling again and again.


In April, volunteers transported Tamara and her husband to Zaporizhzhia. Here the family received all the necessary help from volunteers of the “Saving Lives” project. Now the family is safe, but their further life, like thousands of Ukrainians, is in question. Tamara lost everything she and her husband had accumulated throughout their lives, including their home and car. Now they stay in Zaporizhzhya and receive everything they need for life – food, medicine, clothes, etc. from volunteers and dream of Victory.

