Valentyna Konova: «Even if nothing has been left of my house, I will wait for the victory and I will come back home anyway»

Seventy-year-old Valentyna Konova was born and lived all her life in the city of Huliaipole. Together with the family, they lived, worked and made plans for the future, until a brutal war broke into their peaceful life. Valentyna and her family hid in the basement for a week, escaping from massive shelling. Her house is completely destroyed. Then she left for Zaporizhzhia.


In Zaporizhzhia, she lives in a dormitory, receives humanitarian aid from “Saving Lives”, is trying to settle in a new place, even bought flowers. But most of all, Valentyna is waiting for de-occupation of her native city, so that she can return home, even with broken windows, but hew own. And put flowers on the windowsill, even if it is broken. And continue to live.
