
Families with many children in Zaporizhia Oblast to receive food packages from Saving Lives

Long shelf-life food packages for families with many children will be sourced by the Saving Lives humanitarian project implemented by Metinvest Group in concert with the Rinat Akhmetov Foundation.

With every day of the war, more and more Ukrainians need help and support. Metinvest Group has launched the Saving Lives humanitarian initiative in concert with the Rinat Akhmetov Foundation to be able to provide assistance and support.

As of early 2023, as part of the Saving Lives humanitarian project, families with many children in Donetsk, Zaporizhia and Dnipropetrosk oblasts, including the areas of active hostilities, will receive humanitarian assistance as it is vitally important. The initiative will cover nearly 50,000 people.

The other day, food packages from Metinvest’s humanitarian hubs in Zaporizhia were delivered to two communities in Zaporizhia oblast: Novomykolaivka and Shyroke.

Oleksandr Onishchenko, a spokesman for Novomykolaivka Village Council, stressed that the community has hosted dozens of the displaced from flashpoint areas since the onset of the war. Large families account for the majority of IDPs there. This aid will stand them in good stead.

In total, over 500 boxes of food products have reached the community. Each package of 8 kg contains flour, sugar, pasta, canned food, and sunflower oil.

“We have received humanitarian aid from the Saving Lives project of Metinvest Group and the Rinat Akhmetov Foundation to meet the needs of Novomykolaivka community. The packages are distributed among families with many children, as they are the most vulnerable group. We have hosted many IDPs since the beginning of the war. We do our best to provide them with housing and everything they need. But it is difficult for families, especially large families, to buy everything by themselves, because the prices are quite high. So, these food products are of great help,” said Oleksandr Onishchenko.

Shyroke community has become home to 15,000 IDPs. Families raising three or more children benefit from the aid delivered by the project.

“Today, we’re going to receive 1,000 food packages from Saving Lives. Shyroke Village Council will hand them over to families with many children, and we have 208 families with 775 children living in our community. We are very grateful for this support,” said Oleksiy Ivakin, chief specialist of Housing and Utilities Department of Shyroke Village Council.

In January and February, more than 6,000 residents with three or more children in Zaporizhia Oblast communities benefited from the aid distributed by the Saving Lives project. Since the onset of the war, almost 400,000 Ukrainians have already received food packages and hygiene kits from Metinvest under the humanitarian project.

In addition, Metinvest provides psychological support and prosthetic treatment to those who have lost limbs in the war. Also, it sources required equipment and medicine to hospitals so they can continue to treat their patients effectively.
