
More than 122,000 Ukrainians receive assistance from Saving Lives project

Ukrainian people are fighting for their freedom, independence, peaceful and sustainable future every day. Unfortunately, many Ukrainian cities, towns, and villages are on the brink of a humanitarian catastrophe as a result of the all-out war. To prevent the disaster, Metinvest Group and DTEK, in coordination with Rinat Akhmetov Foundation, continue to implement the Saving Lives project.

Ukrainian civilians are suffering not only from shelling and bombardment, but also from lack of access to water, food, essentials, and medicines. The Saving Lives initiative has helped organise regular deliveries of the important humanitarian aid from Europe to Ukraine since the very first days of the war. 

Over four months of the invasion, 122,551 people in different regions of Ukraine have benefited from the assistance. These are internally displaced people, residents of liberated territories, vulnerable groups, families of Metinvest's mobilised employees, and workers in receipt of welfare benefits. In addition, the humanitarian aid will cover 30,000 pensioners, the retired employees of Metinvest. With this aid, the elderly can save money and time when looking for basic food and necessities.

Despite the constant threat of further shelling from the Russian Federation, residents of the front-line Avdiivka continue receiving food. The assistance is delivered by Avdiivka Coke Plant employees.

The aid is provided to the communities where the company operates as well as to residents of other settlements located close to distribution centres. In June alone, 300 food packages arrived at Ketrysanivka community, Kyrovohrad Oblast. Another 2,000 packages came to Kochubeivka community that includes fourteen villages of Beryslav Raion, Kherson Oblast.


In addition to standard food packages, the Saving Lives project gives Ukrainians special treats. Thus, about 2,800 people temporarily accommodated at Zaporizhia-based shelters have received condensed milk.

Thanks to the support of the project’s partners, Saving Lives can enlarge the scope and geography of assistance. To date, the initiative is supported by about 90 donor companies from across the globe such as Germany, Italy, Poland, the Netherlands, Spain, the USA, Great Britain, Switzerland, Greece, the United Arab Emirates and other countries. Metinvest employees also donate to the Do it together charity foundation established to implement and fund the initiatives of the humanitarian project: https://bit.ly/DoItTogetherFund. The Foundation operates on principles of transparency and regularly reports on its performance.


The donors of Do it together include representatives of mining and metals, trade, banking, IT, law, shipping, shipbuilding, industrial engineering, and instrument engineering sectors.

The assistance comes from all over the world. In late May, Do it together signed a memorandum of cooperation with Agritrade Ukraine, the Coordination Centre of the German Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture. The plan is to bring to Ukraine 200 tonnes of food stuffs and essentials every month. In June, the aid from Germany arrived in Ukraine. Among the foodstuffs were presents for children to mark Children’s Day.
