An unbreakable mom who was injured by a missile strike with her daughter: "The programme helped to restore the internal resource"

Maryna Malenkova, an employee of Central GOK, is the heroine of the Unbreakable Mom project. She and her daughter Arina personally felt the horrors of Russian missile attacks on civilians and were able to cope with all future trials in order to be an example of indomitable fortitude and will to live, as well as resolute resistance to war.

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Time to fight

     December 16 will remain in Maryna's memory forever. That morning, she and her family were at home in Kryvyi Rih. She recalls with a pinch in her heart that ferocious explosion when a russian missile hit their house. From the force of the blow, she immediately lost consciousness.

     "When I regained consciousness, I didn't feel pain at all caused by significant debris wounds to the head; I was overwhelmed with indescribable fear for the children. I mean, my eldest daughter was next to me in the room at the time of the explosion. Then I learned from my mother that my Arisha had already been brought to the hospital. Later, they helped me get out of the ruined flat to the ambulance," she recalls.


     From that day on, she and her daughter began the struggle for life. The girl was in critical condition, she was immediately taken to intensive care and connected to ALV. Doctors reported combined injuries to the lungs, ribs, shoulder, eye and other injuries. But they made every effort to stabilise her condition, provided all the necessary medical care. A few days later, both were transported to Dnipro. Maryna – to the hospital named after Mechnikov, Arina - to the children's regional hospital. Both were expected to undergo numerous surgeries and lengthy rehabilitation. All the time, my husband Vitaly was nearby, who literally was torn into two hospitals, took care of his girls, inspired and surrounded them with care.

     "My daughter is a real hero for me, she steadfastly withstood the path of recovery from intensive care, various hospital departments to rehabilitation, which is still ongoing. Step by step, she is recovering and, most importantly, she believes in a bright future," says Maryna. 

     Wonderful girls coped with all difficulties and trials. According to Maryna, this would have been impossible without the colossal support of caring people around. Everyone helped – highly qualified doctors who performed miracles saving them, colleagues and friends, even until recently unknown to them people who lent a shoulder, Central GOK and Metinvest Group who supported financially.

     "For all this, vast gratitude from our family," says Maryna. "It is very touching to feel that we are not alone, that we are surrounded by people who care about us.

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Recovered resource

     After physical recovery, the girls underwent a three-week Unbreakable Mom programme to stabilise their emotional state, specially developed by specialists in the field of psychotherapy and post-traumatic syndromes, from the Masha Foundation and Metinvest Group's Saving Lives humanitarian initiative The specialists were dealing with them on a separate schedule: conducted group and individual consultations and sessions, body therapy and art workshops.

     "Because of my daughter's lung injury, we immediately agreed to participate in the project," says Maryna. "After all, the fresh air of the Carpathians and psychological rehabilitation are an elixir for full recovery. "Ubreakable Mom", thanks to a special and most comfortable atmosphere, professional and attentive specialists, helped to find inner harmony, collect broken emotions again and heal. We have received the necessary support and tools to move forward despite obstacles.

     The project for me is, first of all, not just a rest, but fruitful, useful, interesting work with psychologists. It was not always easy, but extremely productive. Body therapy and art therapy were especially useful for my daughter and me. The event called "Resource Circle" was motivational – a great opportunity to come together with other heroines who have gone through a similar path of recovery. We mutually supported each other, shared experiences. This community has become a source of hope and understanding. We felt that our efforts certainly paid off.

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     It is important that their own space was organised for children, as well as group and individual sessions were held daily, for example, acting, various workshops in creativity. Everything that was around had a healing effect. We returned home with a renewed resource of energy and confidence that all evil things were behind us and we need to move forward.