
Darijo Srna calls on Champions League clubs to support Ukraine

Darijo Srna, FC Shakhtar’s Director of Football and Ambassador of Saving Lives, SCM’s humanitarian project, has called on the European football community to support Ukraine by sending letters to all 31 participants of the Champions League 2022/23 draw.

Saving Lives continues to seek international assistance for Ukrainians in the frontline areas, including through its ambassadors. One of them is FC Shakhtar’s Director of Football Darijo Srna, the former player and a renowned figure in modern European football. In summer, the legendary footballer signed a memorandum of cooperation with Do It Together charity foundation operating under umbrella of Saving Lives and joined its Programme Council. As the Foundation representative he is doing everything he can to gain support through the Ukrainian football community.

Recently, Darijo Srna has called on each of 31 participants of the 2022 Champions League to support Ukraine and suggested the football clubs join efforts to help through the Saving Lives platform.

“Today, Ukraine needs help more than ever. Therefore, I turned to the European clubs and I’m sure that many teams will not stand aside and will show solidarity with our people and our country,” said Darijo Srna.
