
Residents of Avdiivka receive 6,000 humanitarian aid packages from Saving Lives project

The Saving Lives initiative has distributed the first batch of humanitarian aid in Avdiivka, Donetsk Oblast, that has been delivered recently. Overall, local residents received 6,000 food packages.

The aid reached socially vulnerable people, including single mothers, disabled children, large families, as well as those who can not be evacuated from the war zone. In addition, the humanitarian assistance helped stock up a strategic food reserve for locals.

The contents of the packages meet the caloric value recommendations of the World Health Organisation. The packages include pasta, flour, grains, oil, canned foods, sugar, and condensed milk.

According to the Head of Avdiivka Military Administration Vitaliy Barabash, the project will help people survive the humanitarian disaster in the region caused by the Russian invasion.

“People had to leave their home town because of the Russian aggression. Many have lost their homes, families and friends. Our main goal is to help these people. We’re going to rebuild all the destroyed houses after our victory,” said Vitaliy Barabash.

We remind that the Saving Lives project is funded by SCM Group’s Metinvest and DTEK in coordination with the Rinat Akhmetov Foundation.
